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Hello World
Non-project related
2 min read - 349 words
Date published: 29-Nov-2020
Date modified: 10-Aug-2022

First Blog Post


I guess this is definitely a long time coming. I always have a bunch of idea for different projects. I then try to prototype them, running into some issue, stop working on it and after a while, I just forgot what I did. I figure by starting this I can at least note them down, theorizing in words what can be done better.

Other than projects, maybe this would be a good way to improve my writing skill. Every now and then I will probably add some random non-coding thoughts and see how it goes. I expect my blog posts will be quite random, which is why I added tags just so I can integrate some sorting and recommendation later. I also expect these post to be filled with grammar errors, messy structures but I will try my best to articulate and update them as good as I can


I was able to integrate some of the cool features that I would like for my posts:

  • Being able to have code highlight for different programming languages


import { API, graphqlOperation } from "aws-amplify"; import { merge } from "lodash"; import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react"; const fetchMore = useCallback( async token => { try { setLoading(true); if (token) { const formattedOperation = graphqlOperation(operation, { nextToken: token }, ...args); const retrievedData = await API.graphql({ ...formattedOperation, authMode }); setData(currentData => merge(currentData, retrievedData)); } setLoading(false); return retrievedData; } catch (err) { setError(err); setLoading(false); return {}; } }, [authMode, operation] );


# random test print("test")
  • All of these are in markdown format, which means I can hypothetically change to different themes easily
  • Image upload integrated with AWS S3

There are some more features I would like to add but for now this should be able to allow me to quickly create post without much hassle


I am very excited to start populate more of these posts. Hopefully it will be a good read for others and a tool for me to improve my communication skills :)